Encouraged by the devastating impact of the South's gunners two fresh brigades get ready to attack.
However union regiments stand ready to defend the fence line on the left.
The Confederate gunners are at it again. The replacement for one of the dead brigadiers from earlier in the game only lasts one move until he is shot dead as well. This brigade is getting a bad reputation. Will any new officers ask for the posting?
The gunnery officer with the field glasses clearly knows his job!
The Union forces know that the battle needs determination. The brigades in the centre and on the right launch attacks which need to be successful otherwise the battle is lost.
The brave colonel leads his regiment forward again.
They force two regiments back and this is followed by a forced retreat out of close range in the Souths move.
The same happens in the centre and the final continued bombardments on the Souths artillery battery have left two guns silenced and a Union regiment closing in.
The large and fresh brigade on the Union's right moves forward to crash the remaining confederate forces before them. With the general collapse of the South's left the commanders decide to withdraw their forces before the Union can defeat them in detail. The nearby town is well defended with field works which they hope will stop the Union advance in its tracks.