Saturday, 28 November 2015

Victory for the Union!

Despite the setbacks of the Union in the centre and on their left wing the Union were finally successful in this battle.
Encouraged by the devastating impact of the South's gunners two fresh brigades get ready to attack.
However union regiments stand ready to defend the fence line on the left.
The Confederate gunners are at it again. The replacement for one of the dead brigadiers from earlier in the game only lasts one move until he is shot dead as well. This brigade is getting a bad reputation. Will any new officers ask for the posting?
The gunnery officer with the field glasses clearly knows his job!
The Union forces know that the battle needs determination. The brigades in the centre and on the right launch attacks which need to be successful otherwise the battle  is lost.
The brave colonel leads his regiment forward again.
They force two regiments back and this is followed by a forced retreat out of close range in the Souths move.

The same happens in the centre and the final continued bombardments on the Souths artillery battery have left two guns silenced and a Union regiment closing in.
The large and fresh brigade on the Union's right moves forward to crash the remaining confederate forces before them. With the general collapse of the South's left the commanders decide to withdraw their forces before the Union can defeat them in detail. The nearby town is well defended with field works which they hope will stop the Union advance in its tracks. 

Friday, 27 November 2015

The Blackwater Tin Soldier: A trip to the Chatham Dockyard

The Blackwater Tin Soldier: A trip to the Chatham Dockyard: The ACW game has had to be placed on hold for the last two days due to other activities. Wednesday was occupied with lunch with Mr and Mrs N...

A trip to the Chatham Dockyard

The ACW game has had to be placed on hold for the last two days due to other activities. Wednesday was occupied with lunch with Mr and Mrs Norseygamer at the Old Crown in Messing. Highly recommended if you can find it. The rest of the day was spent painting a few figures.
Thursday was a day trip to the Chatham Dockyard with the retired men of the village.
Lots to see on a visit. Really too much to see on one day. We were there just after 10.00 and set off home at about 3.30. The site is due to shut down over the winter on the weekend so this was a good day to visit as numbers had begun to ease off. We also had a bright sunny day. The ticket included two tours of some of the sites in the dockyard and is a yearly ticket so we have 12 months to return. We may well do this as the Hearts of Oak centre was closed for building work and this covers the early history of the dockyard. 
Our first tour was of the rope Victorian Ropery that houses a quarter of a mile long Rope Walk.
This is one of the places where rope was made for use in the Royal Navy. The tour was based in 1875 and demonstrated how rope was made.
The next tour was of the Oberon a 1960's submarine used through the later part of the Cold War. Well worth a visit to get the idea of what little space men had inside these vessels. 
This is the housing for the Oberon's sonar. This was the submarine's primary job - to spy on what the Soviet forces were doing.
The next stop was to look at the memorial to the many destroyers lost during World War One.
Britain lost 132 destroyers in the war
We then spent time on the Cavalier a World War Two destroyer
One of the destroyers guns with your author 
Next on to the Gannet a Nineteenth Century gunboat
Ships armament 
Nordenfelt gun
Rigging was being worked on by a team from Maldon!
We then had a look at the "Big Space" which houses an eclectic collection of large pieces
Most impressive is the actual construction of the space including the roof
A very interesting day out and good Fish and Chips for lunch!

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Three Disasters and a glimmer of hope for the Union.

Well the conference over night (my time) seemed to provide the Union with a new plan. Hold the left. Pull out the batteries from the centre  and continue to push with the right. The new troops continue to arrive so number should begin to tell in the struggle.
Centre of the Union line
However it was clear that the South had no intention of working with this plan as a passive victim. The centre of the South's line seems as strong as ever and there are solid forces in reserve.
At this point small arms and artillery fire were to have a disastrous impact on the Union forces.
Firstly the 5th Virginia in extended line delivered a devastating volley despite being disorganized. 
The roll of a 10 left them low on ammunition but a second role of 9 left the Union brigadier mortally wounded!
Not to be outdone by this the Confederate gunners resumed their fire on the Union central brigade. Again a 10 left the guns short of ammunition but an additional throw of an 8 left the Union's brigadier grievously wounded and being carried form the field. So in one move the Union forces had lost two of their infantry brigadiers!

To celebrate this turn of events the confederate commander decided to reward himself with a Bath Bun that was purchased in the Tollesbury bakers this morning
At this point things wer getting desperate for the Union and two units launched themselves in a charge on the right. The first regiment was stopped in its tracks by concentrated rebel fire.
The second regiment charged and drove back the rebels despite being outnumbered 3:2. A plus 5 result left the Union forces to carry the position at the fence. 

So at the end of the moves this afternoon the Union forces may see a glimmer of hope.

Monday, 23 November 2015

The Union Attack Falters

Only an hour to continue the game today. However what was expected to be a drive forward by the Union army seems to have deteriorated into an effort to keep the South from launching a devastating counter attack
Confederate divison forming up
One gun damaged all three silenced. The other battery came off worse with one gun destroyed, one damaged and another silenced. Then to cap it all they were short of ammunition having had no real impact on the South's guns!
Union indanty move in to screen the guns so that they can redeploy in a less exposed position.
Unioin reinforcments begin to arrive. Museum Miniatures Garibaldi Guard with Minifig command party.
Also the Lafayette Guard.
The New York Zouaves attempt to storm the wood on the right flank held by dismounted cavalry. This is to be yet another failure!
 A desperate attack by one of the Wisconsin regiments is to fair no better.
Things are not looking good for the Union and the Generals will need to confer before the game continues tomorrow.

NORSEYGAMER: Frederick's Unstoppable Juggernaught

NORSEYGAMER: Frederick's Unstoppable Juggernaught: A Seven Years War Battle using DKK rules Steve won the toss and chose the Prussians His skirmishers advance on the woods As t...

Sunday, 22 November 2015

The Blackwater Tin Soldier begins his tour of duty.

Well today is the day to begin the blog. Cold outside and the fire has been lit so time to settle down and see if I can master this new system.

I think the best place to start is to consider what I am doing at the moment. I have had an American Civil War game running for a few hours so a shot description of what is going on may be helpful. 
The rules I use are Regimental Fire and Fury .Over the years I have tried a number of Rule sets but this remains the best I have used both from the ease of play and the general feel of the game as it develops. I still feel I am learning the finer points and am sure that there are a few things I am not doing quite right!
The early stage of the game shows the two sides marching on in good order. No scenario being used here just a game I have made up. It does let me show off my recent upgrading of my terrain collection. Deep Cut Studio cloths and Early War Miniature's rutted tracks, Trees and hills are from S&A Scenics.  
The first action was a series of 
inconclusive cavalry charges near the crossroads
Union infantry begin to deploy on the left flank. My figures are 15mm MiniFigs, Old Glory, Peter Pig and others as yet unidentified. 
A "Brave Colonel" urges the 14th Main forward.

Meanwhile on the other flank the Georgia Brigade has deployed behind a fence.
Firing has begun at a distance so not many casualties so far.
Overview of the South's left flank.
 Good view of the South's  two artillery batteries deployed to great impact in the central part of the Confederate line. The Union artillery have suffered badly from the South's accurate fire.
One gun destroyed, another damaged and yet another silenced!
I will aim to make another post on Monday to bring the action up to date. 