Wednesday, 23 March 2016

1813 Campaign Final Part

Mass Allied advance
All along the ridge they advance on the French
Prussian Landwehr lancers are out in front.
French Chasseurs Officers and Trumpeter 
Heavy Cavalry advance
Austrian Infantry advance
French officer texting during the game!
Napoleon and his staff
Russian Infantry advance 
The French advance to meet them
French veterans look determined 
Making sure the French are on the right road
Polish Lancers should hold the Austrian's
Allies advance passed the village
Austrian High Command take a look
Some French troops still dressed in their old white uniform
The Allied cavalry thunder past
French Light Horse Lancers hope to stop them.
It was clear by the end that the Allies had won many of their objectives so the French left with the remnants of their force

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

1813 Campaign Part Two

Russian gunners who could not hit the side of a barn. See previous post!
The Allies advance
Russian Hussars advance with optimism, which is a word that sounds as if it should be Russian.
General view of the Action
The French left wing
The french begin a general advance
They occupy the central village after a short fight
The Austrians get ready to take it back
Hungarian veterans to the fore  
The massed Austrian attack
Schwartzenberg issues orders
Other Austrian units press on past the village
By this time we had turned the game round and I was now playing the French, hence the Allied progress!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

1813 Campaign extended weekend at the Wargames Holiday Centre (Part 1)

Down to Basingstoke to the Wargames Holiday Centre. Mark Freeth was his usual grand host at the centre and it was great to have a catch up which him and many of the other chaps. The games we played were set in 1813 and I was on the Allied side twice and the french side once. I have to say it was not my best performance! Absolutely terrible dice throwing throughout all the games. However the games were a lot of fun and the figures as outstanding as usual. 
My Austrian troops look on as the french deply.  
I was the Austrian Corps commander general Meervelt
 Large numbers of French troops begin to approach
 The Russians hold their line.
 The Prussian Cavalry also deploy
 The French look determined!
 French Swiss troops form line
 Make sure you write down my inspiring words!
 Form Square Lads!
 Note the different colored facings. 
 Prussian Cavalry charge forward.
 General view of the action
 Herbert moves his troops forward
I also took the part of the Russian General Dochturov
 Dochturov orders up his cavalry
Massed French Light Cavalry
 The cavalry charge
The Portuguese Legion find themselves in the thick of the fighting.
 The battle can still be won!
Prussian guns support their Infantry advance 
 Massed Prussian attack
 Charge the town and beat the French
 French Cavalry charge the Austrian squares.
 The Russians are ordered to support the Austrian Corps 
 The French Lancers attack the Russian Guns
 Imperial Guard Light Cavalry enter the fight
 As do the Dutch Lancers of the French Imperial Guard
 One of the Austrian command stands
 And another
 Russian Generals at full gallop 
 Can the battle still be one?
 Austrian Hussars
 The rules were the usual In the Grand Manner. (Part two will follow later). Beer and a curry in order for the evening!