Sunday, 31 January 2016

A Clash in Southern Italy

At the club today Rafael continued to teach Wesley and myself how to play DBR. The game was set in Italy during the Italian Wars and was between a French army led by me and Neapolitan Spanish force led by Wesley.

This is one of my commanders.

A formidable force of Pike and shot from Picardy

Mounted crossbows to help crush the Spanish cavalry

Sadly this force of Swiss mercenaries was not used to the best in this game. Very little impact on the enemy and they spent the game generally being shot to pieces. Poor generalship on my part.

Swiss commander who clearly felt he was not being paid enough for this battle
The pride of the French army. A considerable force of Gendarmes
The Spanish army looks ready. Wesley seems to be making his fingers march up and down behind his troops to show them how it is done.
Spanish Galleys on the river nearby hope to cause devastation to the French forces
The French plan to crash the Spanish right while holding their left. 
The French Pike move off
A view from behind the Gendarmes
The Swiss also look confident.
No Spanish in front of them at the moment
The Galleys are readying themselves for action
The battle can be seen in the distance
So there are some Spanish troops behind the hill
The Spanish troops look ready as do their light guns
The Spanish also have a strong force of cavalry on the other flank
The cavalry clash on the hill. My plan is to defeat the Spanish quickly and then roll up the rest of their army.
The French Pike continue to march forward.
A bit of redeployment to help the Swiss
The Spanish line continues to look strong.
Spanish Gendarmes move forward
Some Italian Elmeti will help them
Pike blocks begin to close on each other
Formidable Spanish Pike block
A general view of the french right flank.

The Swiss are attacked in the flank
Both sides cavalry fight each other to a standstill
Gendarmes find it hard to see who is on which side!
Yet more Spanish Pikes
Final overview of the shattered French forces. Cavalry on the left flank failed to move fast enough to save the day. Casualties mounted and in the end the Swiss were cut to pieces. Time for the French Gendarmes to head for the hills. A good game that kept us engaged for several hours. The figures were all form Rafael's superb collection of Renaissance troops. I have now purchased a set of the rules so hope to make better progress next time!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

The Coa saves Black Bob

Steve (Norseygamer) and I were able to get a second game in on Monday. We decided to push on with our efforts to get our head round Black Powder rules. The idea behind the game was for "Black Bob" Crauford to withdraw the Light Divison beyond the Coa River in the face of Marshal Massena's army. It was not clear how fast the French vanguard would arrive. Here are the French skirmishers arriving on the hills above the Coa 
 Crauford orders the Light Division to be ready for the French
 British troops crowd their way over one of the two bridges
 Others ready themselves to prepare to defend the approach to the bridges
 British forces can be seen arriving on the right, crossing a ford and heading for the bridges.
 Some French Light Cavalry arrive and get ready to charge the British Cavalry outpost
 The two sides clash
 The French are forced to retreat disorganised  in the face of determined Brunswick defence.
 More British Hussars splash their way across the ford.
 The Brunswick Hussars charge again! And destroy the French. No picture, too embarrassing to photograph!
 The French Infantry have begun to arrive and get ready to attck
 The British prepare themselves
 The Royal Horse Artillery race to help them
 French lancers arrive
 More British Infantry escape across the Coa
 British Foot Artillery ready themselves to inflict devastation on the French
 British Infantry who have crossed the Coa line its banks to help those still on the French side.
 The British Artillery open fire
 The French are hit hard
 The Infantry fire into the advancing French
 Think of England boys!
 French and British troops slog it out
Swiss troops move into line
 The Brunswick Hussars return to the fight
 Last of the British troops begin to cross the river
The Brunswick Hussars have a message for the French! In the end there were not enough French to overwhelm the Light Division. Those who arrived did not perform at their best! Figures from Steve Dix's excellent collection. We also had a good lunch at the Coach and Horses which is becoming our "club house" in Billericay.  Many thanks Steve great game. We are getting there with Black Powder.