Today Rafael, Graham and Steve (Norseygamer) Dix visited Goldhanger for a Napoleonic game using the In the Grand Manner Rules.
A general view of the table showing the key bridge that was to form the objective for both sides.
Farmer Dan has got some part time work at the local sawmill. Therefore he started his day walking over to the mill.
Dan is also has archery as a hobby so always carries his quiver with him.
Time to get the logs split by the end of the day. I hope I don't get distracted.
Back at the bridge a member of the French staff arrives to take a look at the area
Other senior French officers arrive. It seems too quiet.
General Binot sees something move in the distance. As hes suspected it looks like the Austrians and Prussians are heading this way
The Division of French Allies rush forward to take up position.
Rafael consulting the rules
The French Allies surge forward in two columns.
On the French left flank Graham deploys the French Division
The Prussians are also marching into position
The Austrians are also deploying. A lot of cavalry trot on in the centre.
The Irish Legion have deployed into line with skirmishers deployed
A regiment form Colberg-Salfield also hope to play their part.
An overview of the game at about 12.30
A view of the Austrian lines
The Irish Legion has already seen off an attack of Austrian Hussars but now their Uhlans charge the Legion
German Infantry also march forward in column
More Austrians in column march forward, this time they are heading for an Italian regiment.
The French on the left flank begin their attack
The Uhlans charge home!
They burst through the Irish Legion and cut down more than half of them
Gaps are appearing in the French lines.
The Italians face two Austrian regiments.
The fighting begins
The Austrians win the fight
Again the French face twice as many Austrians
The Colberg regiment is charged by Austrian Dragoons
They are cut down
At this point we closed the game down. Clearly an Austro Prussian victory. A lot of fun during the day for all involved. I was too busy facing the Austrian advance to get pictures of what went on in other parts of the battlefield. Additional pictures are to be found on Norseygamer that show a lot of the Prussian and French struggle. Well done chaps a good day!
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