Thursday, 21 April 2016

At Last the 2016 Don Featherstone Weekend report

As mentioned in a previous post Henry from Miniature Wargames asked that we do not blog the event until after this months edition had been published. Consequently these pictures are a little old. The article in MW by Dave Brown gives an excellent description of both the weekend and the battle. I would point out that I was actually responsible for the Polish Corps of Napoleon's army and playing the part of Poniatowski. I think Dave has given me the best write up I am ever likely to get and seems to have seen the gallant actions of my small corps in even a better view than I did myself!
 Here is the calm before the storm as Steve D and Mel review the field. 
 A view from the French side as tiles are depolyed
 The village of Liebertwolkwitz that was to change hands several times during the game
 Marshal Poniatowski and his ADC
 Polish troops marching forward
Russians advancing towards them
Polish 1st Division deploying 
 Lots of activity on the Allied side. It looks like Henry is praying for an Allied victory
 Poles come on in a smart fashion
 now ready to launch their attack on the village
 Polish light cavalry division deploying to the left
 Tony needs the dice which has a 6 on it.
Poles continue their advance
Polish artillery deployed to support the infantry
 The finer points of the new rules
 Dave explains to Henry the way that the rules work.
Mark in usual stance helping to deploy troops.
 Meanwhile the Poles march on!
 Hot fighting on the outskirts of Liebertwolkwitz
 Still the Poles drive the Allies back
 Meanwhile there are other activities going on in other parts of the field
 The fighting to the right of the Polish corps
Polish artillery open fire
 Polish Light Lancers get ready to charge.
 French Heavy Cavalry get ready to charge.
 Where are the Allies?
 Things are looking grim for the Russians on their left wing
Tine to use the assault card!
Two of the Allied commanders looking worried
Some pictures from the Saturday Night dinner

 After Dinner activities devised by Henry

The Victor! John Secker
 Another view of the fighting
 Henry recording Tony's thoughts on his phone
There must be a solution to the Allied problem in the rules somewhere
 Dave indicates there is no solution
 and seems pleased about it. He was Napoleon in the game
 Closing views of the French victory

 Mel receiving the Don Featherstone Trophy
 Final destruction of the Austrian attack

 The French army setting off for Berlin!

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